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Macri gato - Macri cat
Imagen de cuatro metros de altura de un gato limpiandose, haciendo alusion al gobierno del presidente Mauricio Macri en Argentina.
Four meter high image of a cat cleaning itself, referring to the government of President Mauricio Macri in Argentina.
Alfonsina León, Julieta Mansilla, Mirian Obregón and me.
Four meter high image of a cat cleaning itself, referring to the government of President Mauricio Macri in Argentina.
Alfonsina León, Julieta Mansilla, Mirian Obregón and me.

Macri gato - Macri cat
Imagen de cuatro metros de altura de un gato limpiandose, haciendo alusion al gobierno del presidente Mauricio Macri en Argentina.
Four meter high image of a cat cleaning itself, referring to the government of President Mauricio Macri in Argentina.
Alfonsina León, Julieta Mansilla, Mirian Obregón and me.
Four meter high image of a cat cleaning itself, referring to the government of President Mauricio Macri in Argentina.
Alfonsina León, Julieta Mansilla, Mirian Obregón and me.

Subí por las escaleras - Go up the stairs
Trenza de dieciséis metros cortada y con una nueva trenza que crece con los colores del feminismo.
Sixteen meter braid cut and with a new braid that grows with the colors of feminism.
Alfonsina León, Julieta Mansilla, Mirian Obregón and me.
Sixteen meter braid cut and with a new braid that grows with the colors of feminism.
Alfonsina León, Julieta Mansilla, Mirian Obregón and me.

Subí por las escaleras - Go up the stairs
Trenza de dieciséis metros cortada y con una nueva trenza que crece con los colores del feminismo.
Sixteen meter braid cut and with a new braid that grows with the colors of feminism.
Alfonsina León, Julieta Mansilla, Mirian Obregón and me.
Sixteen meter braid cut and with a new braid that grows with the colors of feminism.
Alfonsina León, Julieta Mansilla, Mirian Obregón and me.
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